Friday, February 15, 2013

Craig's moral monster!

raig's God- Yahweh- would be a moral monster were He to exist. Craig claims that without God, we naturalists cannot ground ontologically morality, but, yes, we can  on our own human nature. Our evolved moral sense reflects on morality as it backdrop the amount of empathy it can work with. Some people need to enlarge theirs to discern that rape is horrific and can happen no matter how a woman dresses or looks. Some need to enlarge theirs  to rise above libertarianism to discern how laissez-faire principles harm the many.
       Paul Kurtz admonishes us to practice the planetary ethic. I give to charity when possible not only to those nearby and in this Union but anywhere in the world. When this Union has to go to war, we must practice the just war, harming no more than necessary unlike what Bush-Cheney did to Iraq!   
      Craig's monster wants genocide and why, have all the foreign slaves you can have! And He love us so much, that He established Hell so that why, we'd want to love Him!
     Craig would never endorse stoning children for cheeking but endorses the genocide. He and other theologians and apologists dwell in empty chambers of unreason that they find so reasonable!
     He cannot fathom that morality binds putative God, finding Him evil for not putting us into a better situation per Fr. Meslier's the problem of Heaven- that one-way street that only applies to Him. We'd owe Him nothing, and He'd have no rights over us!
      He, Paul Copan and others can whale all they desire, but Yahweh would be that moral monster! They have no values worthwhile in the end for humans, because they see us as His pottery to do with as He pleases and to which to give His purpose, which blasphemes us! We have our ultimate meaning in ourselves! 

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